Checkout The Best times To Drink Water


    Water makes up 75 percent of the mass of the human body. All the metabolic processes that keep the body functioning to sustain life take place in the tissue cells that make up all the organs of the body. Thus, the body tries to keep its water content at an optimal level to ensure that dehydration, which can be life-threatening, does not occur. On the other hand, if too much water accumulates in the blood, it is unhealthy and causes serious problems in the body. It has been observed that some people do not drink enough water to help the body maintain balance. So when is the best time to drink water? 

    When you think you’re hungry

    You may be really thirsty. Most people don’t realize that they are actually thirsty when they feel hungry. The brain recognizes these triggers as the same thing. So before you go to the closet, drink some water first. Then give it a few minutes to see if it satisfies the urge to eat.

    When you wake up

    First thing in the morning is one of the best times to hydrate. Your body has been through a long fast. For an easy start, squeeze half a lemon into your first glass of water in the morning for an antioxidant boost of phytonutrients, vitamin C, and potassium.

    Whenever you sweat

    Anything that makes you sweat like a sauna or a Jacuzzi, spending time outdoors on a hot, stuffy day will cause your body to lose fluids. The same goes for practice. As your muscles heat up, your body sweats to dissipate heat. You need to cool off with plenty of water.

    Before, during and after training

    You need lots of water to replace sweat. How much it costs? Before you exercise or go out, fill your bottle with about 0.75 liters of water. Take a few sips every 10-15 minutes while active. Then drink more sips.

    If you are sick

    Hydration is the key to healing when you are sick. Symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever can lead to extreme water loss. Drink plenty of water at the first sign of illness, especially if you are not hungry. Stay away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks. They will dry up your system even more.

    When you’re on an airplane

    Have you ever wondered why you are so dry and thirsty when you fly? It all depends on the height. The higher the plane rises, the drier the cabin air – and about half of the air in your cabin comes from the outside. To cope with very low humidity, take an empty water bottle with you during the flight, which you can refill if necessary.

    If you get a massage

    Your masseuse will thank you if you drink the water before you hit the table. Their muscles become softer and more elastic, making it easier to manipulate delicate tissue. This body releases a substance which you then also have to rinse with plenty of water. This is especially important if you are doing a deep tissue massage or other heavy massage.

    Before menstruation

    You can relieve premenstrual discomfort and reduce bloating by drinking plenty of water before and during your period. One of the biggest causes of cramps or headaches is dehydration. A recent study of young women with dysmenorrhea (very painful periods) found that drinking more water shortened their periods, reduced pelvic pain and reduced their need for painkillers.

    When you have a slump in the middle of the day

    It’s afternoon and your energy has left the building. However, don’t start a new coffee pot. Instead, have a glass of water, maybe a soda to add lemon zest or some other flavor to lift your spirits. According to the British Journal of Nutrition, your fluid status directly affects your mood, memory, and visual perception.

    If you have a headache

    One of the main causes of migraines is dehydration. Some people report that even a slight reduction in fluid intake can trigger severe headaches. It can also make you feel blurry and in some cases even require medical attention. Especially if you are prone to migraines, always have a bottle of water handy and watch what you eat. When you’re in pain, a cup can save the day.

    Before eating

    Drinking water before meals can help you lose weight. One small study tested people who drank 500 milliliters of tap or bottled water (called preload) at will about 30 minutes before meals and throughout the day. Over 12 weeks, preloaders lost almost as much weight as those who did not follow the protocol.

    If you want to lose weight

    Water is more than just a no-calorie way to help you feel full. It can also speed up your metabolism. In one study, 50 overweight girls drank about 2 glasses of water half an hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner without making any other changes to their diet. After 8 weeks, they lost weight and lowered their body mass index and body composition scores. Water also speeds up lipolysis, the process by which your body burns fat for energy.

    When you need to play your game

    Did you know that almost three-quarters of your brain contains fluid? When your levels drop too low, the blood vessels in that organ constrict. It can affect your coordination, short-term memory, attention span, and stamina, according to a Chinese study. So if you feel tired and dizzy, skip the caffeinated energy drinks.

    Just drinking water can help you recover.