Home Entertainment Apiokor, Ayesha Harruna, Peace Medie and others listed among top 100 Revolutionary...

Apiokor, Ayesha Harruna, Peace Medie and others listed among top 100 Revolutionary Ghanaian Writers of 2021


There is no better escape of the harsh realities of life than through books. In the past two years, reading has been one of the peaceful and imaginative acts to turn our attention away from this pandemic stricken world.
2021 has been an incredible year for Ghanaian writers all over the world. They published some excellent materials in all genres across board to keep their readers intrigued, inspired and uplifted.

These game changers are making the motherland proud with their literary works by winning various international awards while promoting the reading culture.
The Creative Director of the Africa Revolutionary Awards, Ms Portia Arthur in an interview revealed that the project is an initiative which seeks to celebrate African writers excelling in their various fields.

She disclosed that the award scheme will also motivate the youth to aim to become full time writers.

We hope you can use this list to add books to your library or maybe even discover your new favorite author!