Home Lifestyle A Video Of Locally Made Bitt3rs Stuff3d With a Liv3 Snak3 Causes...

A Video Of Locally Made Bitt3rs Stuff3d With a Liv3 Snak3 Causes St!r On Social Media [Watch Video]


If you’ve never come across anything weird on the internet, then this video of a locally mad3 dr!nk stuff3d with a liv3 snak3 will send ch!lls down your spin3.

In the video which is circulating on the internet, a m@n is seen pouring out the locally mad3 bitt3rs with a liv3 snak3 into a disposable cup.

He then dr@nk without hesit@tion to prove it’s not h@rmful. We can’t actually tell what mad3 him add a liv3 snak3 to the dr!nk but some might argu3 it’s for spir!tu@l purpose rather than improving one’s health.

But who on earth will dar3 take in a dr!nk stuff3d with a liv3 snak3.