Home Entertainment Tracy Boakye apologizes to her fans and warns Mzbel from involving John...

Tracy Boakye apologizes to her fans and warns Mzbel from involving John Mahama and the NDC party in their beef


Ghanaian actress Tracy Boakye is seen in a video going round on social media bitterly insulting Mzbel. The content of the video is very gruesome.

Tracy Boakye has released a new video rendering her apology to her fans and followers.

A lot of suspicion rose out of the video. Some people think the man they are fighting over is John Dramani Mahama.

But, Tracy Boakye has released a new video seriously warning Mzbel to stop involving NDC presidential hopeful John Mahama and the NDC party from their beef.

But Tracy has seriously warned Mzbel to stop involving NDC presidential hopeful John Dramani Mahama.

According to the actress, she respects John Mahama and his family so much to tarnish their image.