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People Take Their Crazy Kids To Pastors While Pastors Take Theirs To Hospitals-Yaa Pono


Ghanaian Rapper Yaa Pono has questioned the effectiveness of prayers and has quizzed that, if prayers really worked, why would Archbishop Duncan Williams Send his son to the hospital rather than praying for him?

The son of the renowned Man of God turned heads on Social Media a few days ago after his X-rated videos went viral. The founder of the Action Chapel International later came to clarify issues by releasing a statement indicating that his son was battling with medical issues and had been sent to the hospital.

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Yaa Pono

He issued a statement saying:

“Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams and his family thank you for your prayers. Daniel’s outbursts on social media and elsewhere should not be media fodder or click-bait. We acknowledge that the obscenities are abhorrent, but understand that he has a serious illness. Daniel has undergone the very best medical interventions, treatments and hospitalizations, yet he still experiences relapses when he does not continue on his prescribed medication.

READ ALSO: Daniel Duncan Williams In Police Grips And To Be Taken For “Psychiatric Evaluation”.

The Archbishop says “this is a test of his faith. In his own words; “I acknowledge the situation my son is in, and I still love him…please pray for us…. “Love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8

The Archbishop and his family continue to stand firm in their faith believing God for Daniel’s full deliverance, healing and restoration. We ask that you please respect their privacy as they navigate through this trying time.

Psalms 3:3. But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

Bishop Ebenezer Obodai

Spokesperson for Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams and family.”

This statement has stirred massive reactions from the general public with some people believing it’s just a cover-up. Yaa Pono is the latest to have reacted to the situation. The “Obia wone Master” hitmaker took to social media to respond.

He wrote: “The pastor said his son dey craze so he dey take am go psychiatric hospital,,, some ppl will take their craze son to the pastor,,,, eii,, me dee my own be say RESPECT FIRST.”

See the Screenshot below:

If prayers worked why is Duncan-Williams sending his son to the hospital & not a prayer camp? - Yaa Pono quizzes