The funeral of popular comic actor Bright Owusu, affectionately known as C Confion, is underway in Buokrom following his untimely passing in December 2024.
The event has attracted a host of Kumawood stars, including Dr Likee, Kyekyeku, 39/40, Wayoosi, and other notable figures, who have come together to pay their last respects to their late colleague.
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Fans and movie enthusiasts have also gathered to honor the beloved actor, whose skits left a lasting impression despite his relatively short time in the industry.
Actor Wayoosi, a close friend of the late C Confion, delivered an emotional tribute by taking the microphone to perform for the mourners. Among his heartfelt performances was a song he revealed to be one of C Confion’s favorites—a fitting farewell to the comedic icon.
The funeral stands as a touching celebration of C Confion’s life and legacy, with an outpouring of love from fans and colleagues alike.