Home Lifestyle Best Time to Go to Sleep At Night According to Your Age...

Best Time to Go to Sleep At Night According to Your Age For Good Health


According to healthline Getting enough sleep is crucial. For various reasons, people frequently fail to recognize the significance of maintaining a healthy sleep routine. However, research has shown that adequate sleep is critical for maintaining a healthy heart and for maximizing productivity the following day.

Here, following a piece on Very Well Health, we’ll examine the optimal time to turn in for the night at various ages. This article should prove enlightening for everyone who has ever questioned the value of getting enough sleep at the correct time. Relax and take in this article while you get some valuable knowledge.

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When, in terms of age, do you recommend turning in for the night?

Studies show that getting up between the hours of 5 and 7 in the morning may not be beneficial for your health, so if this describes your typical wake-up time, you may want to think about getting some extra shut-eye.

Make sure your school-aged child is asleep by 9 p.m. if he or she typically wakes up around this time.

Teenagers who tend to rise around that time should also make it a point to be in bed between the hours of 9 and 10 every night. This is for the sake of your health and getting a good night’s sleep.

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Adults who must rise at this time, whether for work or another commitment, should aim to get at least 11 hours of sleep between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. If you regularly wake up feeling exhausted, your sleep quality is likely subpar, and your health may suffer as a result. Sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack, various disorders, and the disruption of normal glucose and blood pressure levels.