Home Entertainment 4 Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs

4 Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs


According to an article published by the healthline 4 Benefits health of eating eggs. 

1. Increase HDL (“Good”) Cholesterol

HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, is the term used. Many people refer to it as “good” cholesterol. A lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses is frequently linked to higher HDL levels.

Consuming eggs is a fantastic strategy to raise HDL levels. Eating two eggs every day for six weeks raised HDL levels by 10% in one research.

2. Contain Choline — an Important Nutrient That Most People Don’t Get Enough Of

Choline is a vital substance that is usually paired with the B vitamins, but the majority of people aren’t even aware that it exists.

Choline provides a number of functions, including assisting in the creation of signaling molecules in the brain and building cell membranes. Despite its serious symptoms, choline deficiency is fortunately not prevalent.

Whole eggs retain choline quite well. One egg has more than 100 mg of this essential vitamin.

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3. Have a Relationship with a Lower Risk of Heart Disease

It is common knowledge that having high LDL levels increases the risk of developing heart disease.

The fact that LDL is broken down into subtypes based on the size of the particles may not be widely known. Large and small, sparse LDL particles exist.

Many studies have shown that individuals with mostly small, dense LDL particles are more prone to heart disease than individuals with predominantly large LDL particles.

Eggs tend to modestly raise LDL cholesterol in some people, according to research, but this is offset by the particles shifting from small, dense to big LDL, which is a good thing.


4. Help You Lose Weight by Making You Eat Fewer Calories and Making You Feel Full

A substantial food, eggs are. Since protein is by far the most satiating macronutrient, they include a lot of it.

Eggs score highly on a scale known as the satiety index, which measures a food’s ability to cause feelings of fullness and restrict subsequent calorie intake.

Changing from bagels to eggs for breakfast increased participants’ feelings of satiety and drove them to naturally consume fewer calories for the following 36 hours in a study involving 30 obese women. A significant amount of weight was lost over the course of eight weeks after moving from a bagel morning to an egg breakfast.