Home Lifestyle 7 Best juices To Treat Constipation At Home

7 Best juices To Treat Constipation At Home


Constipation is a medical disorder in which passing feces becomes challenging and the bowel movement is slow. Though it is treatable by altering one’s lifestyle, it is not a life-threatening disorder.

Laxatives may help with the problem, but the relief is only temporary, and there might be some unwanted consequences. To solve this issue, you might try several home treatments. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits and dosage of homemade juices for treating constipation.

Why Drink Juices For Constipation

Juices have a high water content and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. They can help you stay hydrated and give your body the essential dietary fiber it needs.

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The stool is softer and helps to retain water thanks to soluble fiber. This promotes improved bowel movements. Insoluble fiber gives the fecal matter more mass, which speeds up the bowel movement. The American Dietetic Association recommends consuming between 20 and 35 grams of fiber per day for adults and 5 grams per day for children.

Here are 7 homemade juices that can be used to treat constipation:

1. Apple Juice For Constipation

Apples are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming an apple whole or in juice can help alleviate constipation.

Dietary fiber is plentiful in fennel seed powder. It facilitates a smooth bowel movement, retains water in the stool, and guards against constipation.

2. Grape Juice For Constipation

Grapes are rich in fiber and water, both of which are necessary for hydrating the body and bulking up the stool.

Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol found in grapes, helps feces flow more easily and holds more water than other sugar alcohols. It is a natural laxative that is reasonably priced to relieve constipation.

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3. Orange Juice For Constipation

Vitamin C, minerals, and dietary fiber are all abundant in oranges. Dietary fiber aids with water retention and gives the stool more volume, which encourages bowel movements.

4. Pear Juice For Constipation

Pears have a lot of fiber. They have approximately twice as much sorbitol as prunes do. The help of sorbitol aids in bowel movement.

5. Prune Juice For Constipation

Prunes include sorbitol and dietary fiber, which speed up bowel movements. In addition to enhancing the juice’s flavor and taste, cumin aids in maintaining healthy digestive health.

6. Cherry Juice For Constipation

Water, fiber, and polyphenols are all present in cherries. Cherry fiber helps to give stools bulk and facilitates easy ejection.

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7. Lemon Juice For Constipation

Lemons are full in vitamin C and fiber. They can strengthen the immune system in addition to helping with constipation. The benefits of cumin powder for maintaining a healthy digestive system are enormous.

Every day, you can drink one cup of juice. Avoid adding additional sugar and attempt to include the pulp. Spices like fennel and cumin can be added. These might help the gut clean out pollutants. Drink the juice every day first thing in the morning to relieve constipation.