Home Lifestyle 8 Benefits Of Onion Juice With Honey

8 Benefits Of Onion Juice With Honey


Boosts Sexual Perfomance

A combination of onion juice and honey serves as an aphrodisiac. This combo promotes good penile erection and helps both the man and woman to last long in bed. Onion juice and honey for stimulates testosterone production which helps boosts libido.

Used as home remedy for cold, cough and allergies

Onion juice and honey represent two of many home remedies for coughs, cold and common allergies. Onions serve as an antibacterial and, in combination with honey, make up an essential ingredient of an effective home remedy for cough.

A combo of onion juice and honey is used for weightloss and burn belly fat

One of the most effective and easiest ways to use onion for weight loss is to consume onion juice with honey on an empty stomach. In fact, this flavourful bulb is a rich source of quercetin, a type of antioxidant flavonoid that boosts metabolism and prevents fat accumulation. Onion juice with honey should be added to your regimen when you want to burn fats and calories from your body.

Hair growth

Some honey related remedies, especially the one involving onion juice has shown rejuvenation of the scalp and has ensured faster hair growth overtime. Onion and honey mixture is used because onion is rich in sulphur which is one of the essential elements that encourage hair growth since it improves blood circulation to the scalp and the hair follicles gets better nourishment.

The anti-bacterial properties of onion helps to heal scalp infections that can contribute to hair loss. Honey is hygroscopic and therefore helps to retain water and therefore moisturizes the hair.

Fights Dandruff

A mixture of onion juice ans honey has been reported to help treat recalcitrant dandruffs. It clears the dandruff, nourishes the scalp and promotes scalp health.


Some studies have revealed that honey and onion juice have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. The combo promotes good health.

Onion juice and honey clear the face of acne

The sulpur, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial content of onion juice and honey helps removes acne and gives us a smooth skin. Onion juice contain a lot of collagen that hell

Onion and honey for fertility

Drinking onion juice and honey have been shown to not only improve libido but also boosts ovulation in females and sperm production in males. The combo of onion juice and honey is a sure fertility booster.