Home Lifestyle Lady Burst Into Tears After Here Ring Stuck In Her Thumb; Video...

Lady Burst Into Tears After Here Ring Stuck In Her Thumb; Video Goes Viral On Social Media (Video)


A lady who had her ring stuck in her thumb has caused a lot of staring on social media – with people asking how did it even end up there in the first place.

Have you ever got a ring stuck in your thumb or any other finger in your hand? well, if you did, then it surely was painful.

This lady had a swollen hand, it was not specified if the ring was the main reason why the hand got swollen or maybe it was just swollen by allergic or something.

One of the social media users revealed that this also happened to her once. She stated that she was pregnant when that happened, so it is the pregnancy that made her become swollen.

This lady in the video was forced to visit her nearest scrap yard or garage, so that they can remove the ring. Luckily, it was removed by being cut.

Click the link below to watch the video;
