Home Entertainment P3 Kakra Mame- Nana Tornado Begs Delay For Financial Support (video)

P3 Kakra Mame- Nana Tornado Begs Delay For Financial Support (video)


Recently, Nana Tornado, famously known for Ghanaian TV series “Afia Schwarzenegger” has been out of the entertainment scene for reasons best known to him 

Some Ghanaians were of opinion that the sudden slowdown in the patronage of the famous television series had an impact on his acting career while others felt he personally took a break for personal reasons

Just when we thought he was out of the game for good, he has bounced back to reignite an old beef that actually had nothing to do with him.

 In a recent video sighted by Khelly GH, the actor was seen highlighting some relevant issues that led to the emergence of the three sided beef between Afia Shwaznegar, Deloris Frimpong Manson and himself. 

According to Tornado, he is actually not in a scafle with Delay. At the latter part of the video, he clarified it that he doesn’t want to get any beef with Delay because he is clearly aware that the famous producer (Delay) is not evil as his acting colleague “Afia Shwar”

However, if Delay claims she is for the money as stated earlier, then she should try sending him some money, so they can settle the beef amicably.

Content created and supplied by: NanaAmpaduKhelly (via Opera News )