Home Entertainment Should Samini Sue The Blogger?

Should Samini Sue The Blogger?


The Legendary Ghanaian dancehall artist, Samini Dagaati, who has been in the Ghanaian music industry for over a decade with one of the cleanest brands has for the first time threatened to sue a blogger for a defamatory story.

According to the artist, a blogger has written that Stonebwoy’s Anloga Junction album will fail because of his ungratefulness. Samini has immediately come out to rebut said accusation and has decided to take legal means to resolve the issue of visual or audio evidence is not provided by the writer. After the artist dropped the video, the writer, who has been identified as one Francis took to his facebook timeline to admit that the article was a false story fabricated to hype the Anloga Junction album and was just a clickbait.

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Opening the topic up for discussion, most people have agreed with Samini and have encouraged him to pursue the legal means to rectify the situation and serve as a deterrent to such writers. According to them without any stringent rule to hold people accountable for their actions in the blogging space, insanity will abound. Hoping that this will serve as a precedent and a constant reminder to writers in the Ghanaian media space.

On the other hand, others have asked that the legendary artist tempers justice with mercy and leave the issue out of the law court as soon as the writer comes out to apologize and retract the article. They believe setting such a standard with bloggers could be at the detriment of the artist in the future, mostly because the online presence of most of these artists rest on the shoulders of bloggers.

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Another group also believes that dragging him to court will help vindicate or exonerate the terrible image created by such bloggers which have affected those clean and serious ones in the noble profession. A perfect way of clearing the bad nuts from the genuine ones.

Samini Dagaati is expected to make a decision on the matter to help clear the dent and the wedge shoved between him and Stonebwoy.