Home Entertainment I am taking the FDA and Gaming commission to court—Wendy Shay cries

I am taking the FDA and Gaming commission to court—Wendy Shay cries


A few years back, there was a ban on celebrities from being ambassadors of alcoholic beverages. The recent is from the Ghana gaming commission. 

They have banned celebrities from being ambassadors to any gaming companies. 

According to them, the celebrities are role models the young ones as such, they shouldn’t be ambassadors of any gaming company. Because the youth imitates what they see. As they are trying to curb young adults under 18 from betting. 

Ghanaian musician, Wendy Shay is not happy about this issue. She posted on her social media platform that she will take the FDA and Gaming Commission to human right court. 

Again, she urged celebrities to put their differences aside and fight the system. Wendy Shay indicated that she thinks celebrities doesn’t know how powerful they are. 

Finally, the musician stated that celebrities are also Ghanaians and they deserve better.

Photo of the post is provided below.