8 Signs You Might Be Pregnant With A Baby Boy


    Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most stimulating phases in a woman’s life. The experience of carrying a baby and giving birth to a completely new person is absolutely incomparable.

    The expectant mother’s body is subject to tremendous changes, and most of the time these changes are permanent. Childbirth, in turn, is an unforgettable and life-changing experience that completely changes a woman for better or for worse. 

    It should be noted that in addition to the future mother, her partner or the father of the child go their own way, which in most cases converge to make room for a common path to parenthood. .In this context, it is important to know that most parents are often curious about the baby’s biological sex. They often try to figure out ways to find out the baby’s gender in advance, so in this article we’re going to discuss 11 signs that may indicate that you are welcoming a baby into your life given below.


    1. Unnatural acne: Your hormones will be off-limits during pregnancy. There is no doubt about that. But what will also happen is that you will start to come all over your face. Yes, the dreaded acne you had as a teenager is about to return in full force. This is especially true for women with a beautiful complexion. and without acne. When you have a child, for whatever reason, you will get acne that will take you back to your youth.  

    2. Fast Growing Hair: Some women’s hair barely grows during pregnancy and other women have very fast-growing hair. It’s an interesting time in a woman’s life and a lot of strange things are about to happen. When you have a child, it seems that your hair starts growing without stopping. So, if you find your hair overshadowing its old self, you might be expecting a baby.  

    3 Cold body parts: Cold hands and feet are normal for some people, abnormal for others If you normally don’t have cold hands and feet and then suddenly it does, this could be a sign that a baby is about to be born.  

    4. Sleeping positions: Your sleeping position will change significantly during pregnancy. The fluid in the body, the pain, will lead you to try many different positions. Falling asleep can also become more difficult as the pregnancy progresses. And comfort is going to be a key factor that you need to consider. The way you sleep can be an indicator of the child’s gender. Women who suddenly sleep on their left side often have a baby.  

    5. Dark urine: The color of your urine says a lot about the condition of your body. A woman needs to drink large amounts of water to stay hydrated during pregnancy, this goes without saying. You will see a lot of women become bloated too. because they retain a lot of water during pregnancy. But the water must also come out in the form of urine. When you go to the bathroom, check to see what color your urine is before you flush. Women often notice that the urine is excessively dark in color. Darker colored urine is a clear sign that you are about to have a baby. 

    6. Linea nigra: The black line is a great way to find out a baby’s gender, and it is this dark line that runs through the belly in some women during pregnancy. Some people even call it the pregnancy line. While it is always there when a woman is pregnant, it is not always visible. The lines leading to the rib cage often mean it is a nigra.

    7. The uneven breasts: When a woman is pregnant, the body is subjected to a variety of changes. It is believed that a woman with a boy is short or has a belly that looks like a basketball. It’s strange, but for the most part, it’s true.  

    8. Heart rate: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat is an incredible experience, a miracle indeed.