6 Foods That Can Actually Take Your Bedroom Stamina to New Heights


    Taking medications or tablets before going to bed with your spouse could have a long-term effect on you. Professional doctors advise that we should not rely on these drugs and instead focus on our food.

    Fortunately, just as sports nutritionists have identified optimal meals for the best results during a run, nutritionists have identified foods that will enhance your stamina in bed, and they are real.

    The good news is that each of these items tastes great while also providing you and your spouse with the energy to keep the love going. The good news is that, unlike running a marathon, you’ll enjoy sampling these enhanced foods and seeing for yourself:

    Foods rich in vitamin B12

    Any food high in vitamin B12 will aid the body’s energy generation, and with so many possibilities, getting more B12 into your diet is simple. Eggs, seafood, steak, caviar, and fortified tofu are among the alternatives. You should expect greater blood circulation and strength after your B12 feast. It also helps to improve one’s mood.

    Raw Oysters

    Oysters are actually excellent for you in bed, contrary to popular belief. Oysters are high in zinc, which boosts testosterone, a hormone that both men and women utilize to create and maintain desire. They also contain amino acids that have been related to sexual desire as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which help you stay in a good mood.


    While there is a horrible superstition that asparagus can make your pee smell, don’t rule asparagus out completely from your romantic menu. Asparagus is high in vitamin E, which can help with testosterone production, according to Tristan Weedmark, Global Passion Ambassador at We-Vibe.

    “Aside from enhancing stamina, asparagus can enhance your desire as well as sperm count,” Weedmark advises for couples seeking to get a little more out of their night of love.


    Guac lovers, rejoice! Avocados are so nutrient-dense that they’re considered a superfood by many, and Weedmark classifies the delectable fruit as a sexual superfood as well. Avocados, he claims, are particularly high in monounsaturated fats and vitamin B6.

    “These help maintain energy levels up, which is important for bedroom endurance. They also include omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to improve mood.


    They’re high in boron, which is a mineral that aids in the creation of both estrogen and testosterone.” Both estrogen and testosterone have been demonstrated to help men and women perform better in the bedroom: estrogen for libido in women and testosterone for physical stamina in both men and women.


    Is there anything that chocolate cannot accomplish? Dark chocolate, in particular, is seductive on its own, but it also aids in the release of neurotransmitters in the brain that cause bliss. This can lead to a more satisfying sexual encounter. It’s also high in antioxidants, which help the body work better in general.

    Don’t stop eating those items, and as time passes, assess your stamina in bed with your companion.

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