Home Lifestyle 3 Tips For Cleaning Your Armpit

3 Tips For Cleaning Your Armpit


The armpit is a part of your body that needs adequate care and be wary of the things you apply to your armpit else it will produce a bad odour. 

According to Cleveland Clinic, healthy skin care is the best treatment tip for your armpit skin. Below are some of the tips for keeping your armpits healthy or clean are:

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1. Watch what you eat

They are a lot of spices and other molecules in the foods you consume that can make it into the sweat and change the odour.

2. Shower after working out

This can help in the removal of sweat and bacteria and helps keep all skin folds clean and dry to assist in minimizing odour.

3. Wash regularly

Pores can get clogged from sticky or heavy products that lead to dead skin cells and oils in the hair follicles getting stuck. Ensure to wash always with a gentle, foaming cleanser to eliminate residual products.

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